This store is used to interface with Google’s Cloud Storage. Head over to the official documentation for the Java client for details on how to configure it. Here is a vanilla setup that uses credentials from your environment:

import blobstore.gcs.GcsStore
import blobstore.url.Url

import cats.effect.IO
import squants.information.Mebibytes
import com.google.cloud.storage.{Storage, StorageOptions}
import com.google.cloud.storage.Storage.BlobGetOption

val storage: Storage = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance.getService
val gcs: GcsStore[IO] = GcsStore.builder[IO](storage).unsafe

The generic API available in Store[F] does not let you use any GCS specific features. In order to do so, we provide dedicated methods that let’s you pass GCS specific options, here’s an example that uses GCS server side encryption:

def gcsGet[F[_]](gcs: GcsStore[F], url: Url.Plain, decryptionKey: String): fs2.Stream[F, Byte] =
   gcs.get(url, Mebibytes(2).toBytes.toInt, List(BlobGetOption.decryptionKey(decryptionKey)))

Here we use squants to work with quantities of bytes. The API accept any Int and how you produce this Int is up to you.